[12.07.27] Minwoo’s Facebook photo update: Eric Facebook-ing with Minwoo’s phone

This is Eric using Minwoo’s phone to get on Facebook. I came to see Do-hyun but why is Minwoo here!

4 thoughts on “[12.07.27] Minwoo’s Facebook photo update: Eric Facebook-ing with Minwoo’s phone

  1. LOL Facebooking on M-bong’s account ahahaha Eric you’re the best!!! They both meet at Kim DoHyun, these 2 CEOs having 6th sense XDD

    Are they disscussing the 11th jib? 😀

    1. “….Facebooking on M-bong’s account…” lol… that’s so cute!
      love the fact that they have telepathy even without arranging to meet!!
      “…disscussing the 11th jib?” that’ll be awesome! If there will concert next yr as well, that will be marvelous!! here’s hoping for it!! =)

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